Curso on-line de preparación para examenes IELTS+ Examen simulador de práctica

Curso on-line de preparación para examenes IELTS+ Examen simulador de práctica

This program will help students learn general strategies, features, tips, and tricks to successfully pass the IELTS exam. The interactive exercises and intensive practice will significantly improve a student’s reading, listening, speaking, and writing scores. Throughout the online preparation course, there are simulated practice tests, as well as educational tools that teach students about idioms, synonyms, and how to recognize the variety of questions types that students experience on the IELTS.

Interactive exercises and activities:

The program is taught through a robust learning methodology that engages students across all learning metrics: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Students are presented concepts, play sound games, view stunning graphics and animations, and enjoy multiple fun interactions.

Each section of the program contains interactive exercises and activities designed to help students prepare for the exam while also keeping the student engaged with the curriculum.


Throughout the program, students interact with short quizzes based on the information learned in the curriculum presentation.

By integrating a student’s assessments with the curriculum, the student is able to receive immediate and contextual feedback to help reinforce what they just learned.

Test Simulation:

The practice test for the IELTS is a Test Simulator. The speaking and writing section of the tests are scored and evaluated by trained ESL experts. Students receive detailed feedback and advice regarding their performance on each specific type of IELTS question or task.

The Program at a Glance

This program is divided into 5 main components (Overview, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) and is made up of test-taking strategy or skill lessons and practice tests. Each question on every practice test is linked to at least one of the strategy lessons so that students can be directed where to go to review the strategies and skills needed to pass specific types of questions on the exam. You can take the program (all 5 sections) or you can take each section individually. By doing it this way, you can practice exactly what you need to prepare for the exam.


  • Costo del curso de preparación on-line para examen IELTS® $1,600 MXN. Pago en línea, Haz clic aquí.
  • Costo del examen simulador on-line IELTS® $1,120 MXN. Pago en línea, Haz clic aquí.
  • Costo por curso de preparación on-line + examen simulador on-line IELTS® $2,120. Pago en línea, Haz clic aquí.

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 Los accesos para tu preparación online y/o simulador, se envían de Lunes a Viernes una vez que hayamos recibido copia de tu pago y 24 horas posteriores a que haya sido acreditado por nuestro departamento de finanzas.

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